McCubbin, H., Ontai, K., Kehl, L., McCubbin, L., Hart, H., DeBarysche, B., Ripke, M., & Matsuoka, J. (2010; Eds.). Multiethnicity and multiethnic families:
Development, identity and resilience. Honolulu, HI: Le’a Publications.
Lerner, R. M., Sparks, E., & McCubbin, L. D. (2000). Family diversity and family policy: Strengthening families for America’s children. Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic.
Peer Reviewed Articles
McCubbin, H., McCubbin, L. D., Samuels, G., Zhang, W., & Sievers, J. A. (2013). Multiethnic children, youth and families: Emerging challenges to the behavioral
sciences and public policy. Journal of Family Relations, 62, 1–4.
McCubbin, L.D., McCubbin, H.I., Zhang, W., Kehl, L., & Strom, I. (2013). Relational well-being: An indigenous perspective and measure. Journal of Family
Relations, 62, 354-365.
McCubbin, L.D. & Antonio, M.C. K. (2012). Discrimination and obesity among Native Hawaiians. Hawaii Journal of Medicine and Public Health, 71(12), 346-352.
Zhang, W., Chen, W., McCubbin, H., McCubbin, L., & Foley, S. (2011). Predictors of mental and physical health: Individual and neighborhood levels of education,
social well-being and ethnicity. Health and Place, 17(1), 238-247.
Inglebert, E., Pavel, M. D., McCubbin, L. D., & Banks, S. R. (2010). Infusing tribal culture in Washington schools. ASHA Leader/American Speech-Language-Hearing
Association, 15(1), 24-25.
McCubbin, L. D. & Marsella, A. (2009). Native Hawaiians and psychology: The cultural and historical context of indigenous ways of knowing. Cultural Diversity
and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 15(4), 374-387.
Zhang, W., McCubbin, H., McCubbin, L., Chen, Q., Foley, S., Strom, I., & Kehl, L. (2009). Education and self-rated health: An individual and neighborhood level
analysis of Asian Americans, Hawaiians and Caucasians in Hawaii. Social Science & Medicine, 1-9.
Cochran, P., Marshall, C. A., Garcia-Downing, C., Kendall, E., Cook, D., McCubbin, L., & Gover, R. (2008). Indigenous ways of knowing: Implications for
participatory research and community. American Journal of Public Health, 98(1), 8-13.
Anctil, T.M., McCubbin, L.D., O’Brien, K., Pecora, P., Anderson, C. (2007). An evaluation of recovery factors for foster care alumni with physical and psychiatric
impairments: Predictors of psychological outcomes. Child and Youth Services Review, 29(8), 1021-1034.
Anctil, T. M., McCubbin, L.D., O’Brien, K., Pecora, P. J., & Anderson, C. (2007). Predictors of adult quality of life for foster care alumni with physical and
psychiatric impairments. Child Abuse and Neglect, 31(10), 1087-1100.
McCubbin, L.D. (2006). The role of Indigenous family ethnic schema on well-being among Native Hawaiian families. Contemporary Nurse, 23(2), 170-180.
McCubbin, L.D. (2006). Indigenous values, cultural safety and improving health care: The case of Native Hawaiians. Contemporary Nurse, 22(2), 214-217.
Joseph-Banks, S. & McCubbin, L.D. (2006). American Indian and Alaska Native early childhood family involvement: A review of the literature. Proceedings of the
Rural Early Childhood Forum on American Indian and Alaska Native Early Learning. (pp. 132-143). Little Rock, AR: Mississippi State University.
Carlton, B. S., Goebert, D. A., Miyamoto, R. H., Andrade, N. N., Hishinuma, E. S., Makini, Jr., G. K., Yuen, N. Y. C., Bell, C. K., McCubbin, L. D., Else, I., & Nishimura,
S. R. (2005). Resilience, family adversity, and well-being among Hawaiian and non-Hawaiian adolescents. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 52(4), 291-
Book Chapters
McNeill, B., McCubbin, L.D., & Sevedge, S. (in press). Mestiza/o, Indigenous and liberation perspectives on social issues. Social issues in living color:
Challenges and solutions from the perspective of ethnic minority psychology. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.
McCubbin, H. I., & McCubbin, L. D. (in press). Ecology of the Hawaiian family: ‘ohana processes in promoting health and well-being. In B. Young (Ed.).
Hawaiian health. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii Press.
*McCubbin, L.D., Okumoto, E., & Marco, L. (2014). Parenting and child-rearing: Classic models and current trends. In C. Juntunen (2nd ed.; Ed.), Counseling
across the life span. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
*McCubbin, L.D. & Moniz, J. (2014). Ethical principles in resilience research: Respect, relevance, reciprocity and responsibility. In L. Theron, M. Ungar, & L.
Liebenberg, (Eds.), Youth resilience and culture: Commonalities and complexities. New York, NY: Springer.
McCubbin, L.D., & McCubbin, H. I. (2013). Resilience in ethnic family systems: A relational theory for research and practice. In D. Becvar (Ed.), Handbook on
family resilience (pp. 175-195). New York, NY: Springer.
Leong. F.T.L., Holliday, B.G., Trimble, J.E., Padilla, A. & McCubbin, L. (2013). Ethnic Minority Psychology. In D. K. Freedheim & I. B. Weiner (Eds.), Handbook of
psychology, volume one: History of psychology (pp. 530-561). New York, NY: Wiley.
McCubbin, L. (2010). A comparative analysis of multi-ethnic and mono-ethnic families: Examination of risk and protective factors. In McCubbin, H., Ontai, K.
Kehl, L. McCubbin, L., Hart, H., DeBarysche, B., Ripke, M. and Matsuoka, J. (Eds), Multiethnicity and Multiethnic Families: Development, identity, and resilience
(pp. 225-238). Honolulu Hawaii. Le’a Publications.
McCubbin, H. Strom, I. McCubbin, L., Zhang, W. Kehl, L., Foley, S. Mataira, P. & Rothwell, D. (2010). Health disparities of Native Hawaiians revisited: implications
of multi-ethnicity. In McCubbin, H., Ontai, K. Kehl, L. McCubbin, L., Hart, H., DeBarysche, B., Ripke, M. and Matsuoka, J. (Eds.), Multiethnicity and Multiethnic
Families: Development, identity, and resilience (pp. 81-96). Honolulu Hawaii, Le’a Publications.
*McCubbin, L.D. & Dang, T. (2010). Native Hawaiian identity and measurement: An ecological perspective on indigenous identity development. In J. G.
Ponterotto, J. M. Casas, L. A. Suzuki & C. M. Alexander (Eds., 3rd ed.), Handbook of multicultural counseling (pp.269-282). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
McCubbin, L. D. (2009). Intersecting multiple identities: The case of Lehua. In M. E. Gallardo, & B. McNeill. (Eds.). Intersections of multiple identities: A
casebook of evidence-based practices with diverse populations (pp. 85-112). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
*McCubbin, L. D., Ishikawa, M., & McCubbin, H. I. (2008). Kanaka Maoli: Native Hawaiians and their testimony of trauma and resilience. In A. Marsella, J.
Johnson, P. Watson, & J. Gryczynski (Eds.). Ethnocultural perspectives on disaster and trauma: Foundations, issues and applications, (pp. 271-298). New York,
NY: Springer.
McCubbin, L.D., & McCubbin, H. (2005). Culture and ethnic identity in family resilience: Dynamic processes in trauma and transformation of indigenous
people. In M. Unger (Ed.), Handbook for working with children and youth: Pathways to resilience across cultures and contexts (pp. 27-44). Thousand Oaks, CA:
Coleman, H. L. K., Norton, R. A., Miranda, G., & McCubbin, L. D. (2003). Ecological perspectives on cultural identity development. In D. Pope-Davis, H. L. K.
Coleman, W. M. Lin, & R. L. Toporek (Eds). Handbook of multicultural competencies. (pp. 38-58). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Byars, A. & McCubbin, L.D. (2001). Trends in career development research with ethnic minorities: Prospects and challenges. In J. G. Ponterotto, J. M. Casas, L.
A. Suzuki & C. M. Alexander (Eds., 2nd ed.), Handbook of multicultural counseling (pp. 633-654). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Lerner, R. M., Sparks, E., & McCubbin, L. D. (1999). Family diversity and family policy. In D. H. Demo, K. Allen, & M. Fine (Eds.), Handbook of family diversity (pp.
380-401). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
McCubbin, H. I. & McCubbin, L. D. (1997). Hawaiian American families. In M. K. DeGenova (Ed.), Families in cultural context: Strengths and challenges in diversity
(pp. 237-263). Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing Company.
McCubbin, H., Ontai, K., Kehl, L., McCubbin, L., Hart, H., DeBarysche, B., Ripke, M., & Matsuoka, J. (2010; Eds.). Multiethnicity and multiethnic families:
Development, identity and resilience. Honolulu, HI: Le’a Publications.
Lerner, R. M., Sparks, E., & McCubbin, L. D. (2000). Family diversity and family policy: Strengthening families for America’s children. Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic.
Peer Reviewed Articles
McCubbin, H., McCubbin, L. D., Samuels, G., Zhang, W., & Sievers, J. A. (2013). Multiethnic children, youth and families: Emerging challenges to the behavioral
sciences and public policy. Journal of Family Relations, 62, 1–4.
McCubbin, L.D., McCubbin, H.I., Zhang, W., Kehl, L., & Strom, I. (2013). Relational well-being: An indigenous perspective and measure. Journal of Family
Relations, 62, 354-365.
McCubbin, L.D. & Antonio, M.C. K. (2012). Discrimination and obesity among Native Hawaiians. Hawaii Journal of Medicine and Public Health, 71(12), 346-352.
Zhang, W., Chen, W., McCubbin, H., McCubbin, L., & Foley, S. (2011). Predictors of mental and physical health: Individual and neighborhood levels of education,
social well-being and ethnicity. Health and Place, 17(1), 238-247.
Inglebert, E., Pavel, M. D., McCubbin, L. D., & Banks, S. R. (2010). Infusing tribal culture in Washington schools. ASHA Leader/American Speech-Language-Hearing
Association, 15(1), 24-25.
McCubbin, L. D. & Marsella, A. (2009). Native Hawaiians and psychology: The cultural and historical context of indigenous ways of knowing. Cultural Diversity
and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 15(4), 374-387.
Zhang, W., McCubbin, H., McCubbin, L., Chen, Q., Foley, S., Strom, I., & Kehl, L. (2009). Education and self-rated health: An individual and neighborhood level
analysis of Asian Americans, Hawaiians and Caucasians in Hawaii. Social Science & Medicine, 1-9.
Cochran, P., Marshall, C. A., Garcia-Downing, C., Kendall, E., Cook, D., McCubbin, L., & Gover, R. (2008). Indigenous ways of knowing: Implications for
participatory research and community. American Journal of Public Health, 98(1), 8-13.
Anctil, T.M., McCubbin, L.D., O’Brien, K., Pecora, P., Anderson, C. (2007). An evaluation of recovery factors for foster care alumni with physical and psychiatric
impairments: Predictors of psychological outcomes. Child and Youth Services Review, 29(8), 1021-1034.
Anctil, T. M., McCubbin, L.D., O’Brien, K., Pecora, P. J., & Anderson, C. (2007). Predictors of adult quality of life for foster care alumni with physical and
psychiatric impairments. Child Abuse and Neglect, 31(10), 1087-1100.
McCubbin, L.D. (2006). The role of Indigenous family ethnic schema on well-being among Native Hawaiian families. Contemporary Nurse, 23(2), 170-180.
McCubbin, L.D. (2006). Indigenous values, cultural safety and improving health care: The case of Native Hawaiians. Contemporary Nurse, 22(2), 214-217.
Joseph-Banks, S. & McCubbin, L.D. (2006). American Indian and Alaska Native early childhood family involvement: A review of the literature. Proceedings of the
Rural Early Childhood Forum on American Indian and Alaska Native Early Learning. (pp. 132-143). Little Rock, AR: Mississippi State University.
Carlton, B. S., Goebert, D. A., Miyamoto, R. H., Andrade, N. N., Hishinuma, E. S., Makini, Jr., G. K., Yuen, N. Y. C., Bell, C. K., McCubbin, L. D., Else, I., & Nishimura,
S. R. (2005). Resilience, family adversity, and well-being among Hawaiian and non-Hawaiian adolescents. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 52(4), 291-
Book Chapters
McNeill, B., McCubbin, L.D., & Sevedge, S. (in press). Mestiza/o, Indigenous and liberation perspectives on social issues. Social issues in living color:
Challenges and solutions from the perspective of ethnic minority psychology. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.
McCubbin, H. I., & McCubbin, L. D. (in press). Ecology of the Hawaiian family: ‘ohana processes in promoting health and well-being. In B. Young (Ed.).
Hawaiian health. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii Press.
*McCubbin, L.D., Okumoto, E., & Marco, L. (2014). Parenting and child-rearing: Classic models and current trends. In C. Juntunen (2nd ed.; Ed.), Counseling
across the life span. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
*McCubbin, L.D. & Moniz, J. (2014). Ethical principles in resilience research: Respect, relevance, reciprocity and responsibility. In L. Theron, M. Ungar, & L.
Liebenberg, (Eds.), Youth resilience and culture: Commonalities and complexities. New York, NY: Springer.
McCubbin, L.D., & McCubbin, H. I. (2013). Resilience in ethnic family systems: A relational theory for research and practice. In D. Becvar (Ed.), Handbook on
family resilience (pp. 175-195). New York, NY: Springer.
Leong. F.T.L., Holliday, B.G., Trimble, J.E., Padilla, A. & McCubbin, L. (2013). Ethnic Minority Psychology. In D. K. Freedheim & I. B. Weiner (Eds.), Handbook of
psychology, volume one: History of psychology (pp. 530-561). New York, NY: Wiley.
McCubbin, L. (2010). A comparative analysis of multi-ethnic and mono-ethnic families: Examination of risk and protective factors. In McCubbin, H., Ontai, K.
Kehl, L. McCubbin, L., Hart, H., DeBarysche, B., Ripke, M. and Matsuoka, J. (Eds), Multiethnicity and Multiethnic Families: Development, identity, and resilience
(pp. 225-238). Honolulu Hawaii. Le’a Publications.
McCubbin, H. Strom, I. McCubbin, L., Zhang, W. Kehl, L., Foley, S. Mataira, P. & Rothwell, D. (2010). Health disparities of Native Hawaiians revisited: implications
of multi-ethnicity. In McCubbin, H., Ontai, K. Kehl, L. McCubbin, L., Hart, H., DeBarysche, B., Ripke, M. and Matsuoka, J. (Eds.), Multiethnicity and Multiethnic
Families: Development, identity, and resilience (pp. 81-96). Honolulu Hawaii, Le’a Publications.
*McCubbin, L.D. & Dang, T. (2010). Native Hawaiian identity and measurement: An ecological perspective on indigenous identity development. In J. G.
Ponterotto, J. M. Casas, L. A. Suzuki & C. M. Alexander (Eds., 3rd ed.), Handbook of multicultural counseling (pp.269-282). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
McCubbin, L. D. (2009). Intersecting multiple identities: The case of Lehua. In M. E. Gallardo, & B. McNeill. (Eds.). Intersections of multiple identities: A
casebook of evidence-based practices with diverse populations (pp. 85-112). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
*McCubbin, L. D., Ishikawa, M., & McCubbin, H. I. (2008). Kanaka Maoli: Native Hawaiians and their testimony of trauma and resilience. In A. Marsella, J.
Johnson, P. Watson, & J. Gryczynski (Eds.). Ethnocultural perspectives on disaster and trauma: Foundations, issues and applications, (pp. 271-298). New York,
NY: Springer.
McCubbin, L.D., & McCubbin, H. (2005). Culture and ethnic identity in family resilience: Dynamic processes in trauma and transformation of indigenous
people. In M. Unger (Ed.), Handbook for working with children and youth: Pathways to resilience across cultures and contexts (pp. 27-44). Thousand Oaks, CA:
Coleman, H. L. K., Norton, R. A., Miranda, G., & McCubbin, L. D. (2003). Ecological perspectives on cultural identity development. In D. Pope-Davis, H. L. K.
Coleman, W. M. Lin, & R. L. Toporek (Eds). Handbook of multicultural competencies. (pp. 38-58). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Byars, A. & McCubbin, L.D. (2001). Trends in career development research with ethnic minorities: Prospects and challenges. In J. G. Ponterotto, J. M. Casas, L.
A. Suzuki & C. M. Alexander (Eds., 2nd ed.), Handbook of multicultural counseling (pp. 633-654). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Lerner, R. M., Sparks, E., & McCubbin, L. D. (1999). Family diversity and family policy. In D. H. Demo, K. Allen, & M. Fine (Eds.), Handbook of family diversity (pp.
380-401). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
McCubbin, H. I. & McCubbin, L. D. (1997). Hawaiian American families. In M. K. DeGenova (Ed.), Families in cultural context: Strengths and challenges in diversity
(pp. 237-263). Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing Company.